doby funeral home obituaries

He is already in a better place and I hope he is much better than he was in this world. Sending my prayers and hoping for prompt resignation to all your family. You are all in my broken heart and prayers. Mis condolencias a la familia. Mis condolencias para toda la familia de este pequeo prncipe de hermosos ojos azules que Dios les de muchas fortaleza para afrontar tan duro momento y que la persona que lo atormento lo ayuden para que no le haga esto a alguien ms que en paz descance. He was such a beautiful soul. To Drayke's family, may God hold you in the hollow of His Hands. May God bless the family. Siento tanto que tengan que pasar por este terrible sufrimiento. All Rights Reserved. Your health and safety is of the utmost importance to us. #doitfordrayke. You had a beatiful sweet boy, those blue ayes iluminates your soul. Shine bright little pudding xx. Vuela alto prncipe de los cielos. Estoy segura que el universo le dar gua y luz a su alma y descansara en paz para siempre. QUE DIOS LOS PROTEGA, Y SANE ESTE ENORME VACO. Espero que hayas encontrado La Paz que deseabas. I apologize with you because we don't create a good world for our children. This is heartbreaking. May you be the guidance of your family in the mission of spreading love and kindness all around the world. Mis sinceras condolencias a la familia y mi abrazo fraterno. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. My heart absolutely breaks for you all. I hope your able to rest now. Mr. Lonnie Baldwin departed this life on Monday, January 30, 2023. Descansa en paz ngel de luz.. fuerza a toda tu familia.. dales fortaleza para seguir adelante.. bendiciones. Ms. Mable Fairley departed this life on February 20, 2023. Mi ms sentido psame que dios le de fortaleza y paz en medio de tanto dolor. What a sight that surely was! My heart broke on hearing this terrible injustice. I can only say sorry. Justo hoy 16/02 mi hermano ha cumplido 25 aos y sigue siendo un chico de noble corazn . I have hugged my kids all day after reading about Drayke. No hay palabras de consuelo para semejante dolor.Pequenio gigante,se feliz y vuela sin dolor. Les envi todo mi amor, a ustedes como familia y mis respetos. Fly high with the angels . He is now your shining star and watching over your family stay strog, You sweet sweet boy, I didn't know you but my heart breaks for you! We all mourn the loss so great that the world has just had. I promise to always preach kindness to my children and their friends in honor of him. I am so sorry. We will talk to our children about bullying, about pain, and about sharing our fears, sorrows, and our hurting. There are no words to mitigate this pain, but I know that above will be happy, shining with the stars. What a beautiful boy! He and Drayke had the coolest dance off! May God be with your family . I hope this eats at the bully daily and his parents too. I ask for peace for the dear boy, peace, comfort and strength for the whole family. Sending lots of love and prayers . He is everything and everywhere. I just want you to know your baby's story reached our little town and we are grieving with you and your family. My heart is so broken for your family and all of thoae that loved your precious son. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. Sending sincere condolences from my family to yours although we have never met I am thinking of you all at this very difficult time. I will forever use the hashtag doitfordrayke. Como madre se me encoge el corazn al pensar en el dolor que tenis que estar pasando en estos duros momentos. I DONT HAVE WORDS TO EXPRESS MY BAD WORDS ABOUT PARENTS THAT ALLOW THEIR CHILDREN TO BULLYNG, SINCERELY I REALLY SORRY ABOUT YOUR LOST, I CANT EVEN IMAGINE YOUR PAIN. I'm just so sorry that this little boy had to die before anyone knew about what he went through on this Earth. Some people wouldnt be allowed to have children. With tears in my eyes, as a mother I try to put myself in your place, just to tell you that we send you a lot of strength and that we hope that this #Stopbulling message reaches the whole world. QDEP Hi, I'm from Chile and I wanted to send a message to you and your whole family, since I'm the mother of a six-year-old boy and I can't even imagine the pain and frustration they must feel right now as a family. Vivo a miles de kilmetros, hablo otro idioma pero con solo ver tu imagen supe descrubrir de tu belleza como ser humano. Thank you, and i'm sorry again. Mi alma se aflige y siento en ella la nostalgia. Such sweet boy. Estas prcticas ya deben parar y dar ms sanciones severas a los adultos que tienen a cargo a estos terribles nios y a los nios acosadores darles ayuda psicolgica. Please know that there are many of us that have been in the same situation and it's not okay to bully at any age! I promise we will keep going with your mission of kindness. I hug him every second I tell him how much I love him even more now. We are all in this together. Guianos a todos para ser mas tolerables y para que de una buena ves se terminen todas estas injusticias. Ningn nio ni nadie, debera padecer ni ser vctima de bullying. Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. I can only tell you that my heart hurts, a lot. I am so sorry that you and your family has to deal with such a tragedy. My deep condolences for the unbearable loss of your sweet, sweet boy. A tragedy that no may happen. My heart aches for your family at this time. Gracias a una compaerita que lo quiere mucho, pudimos terminar con l tormento que sufri cambindolo de colegio ya que ellas autoridades del mismo no hacan nada para parar ese abuzo. I'm sure Drayke's memory will forever live on through the many lives he touched. You never know what your words can make someone "feel" "think" and "do". I found this story today and I wish to express my deepest of symnpathies. We can unite forces !!! As a physician who helps discuss bullying in my office, but also as a mother of 6, our youngest being a blue eyed, blonde hair little boyI can not tell you how much this tragedy has touched our family. Ese ngel los iluminar desde donde est! Tu vuelo al infinito a quien te espera con los brazos abierto, Dios Todopoderoso es contigo hoy y nosotros , y tus padres , hermanas y familias y amigos que conocieron tu vida, volveran a ti para no separarse mas. I can't express how broken is my heart and my spirit since I read your post. I have seen your story from here in Canada of your little boy Drayke. Me duele no haber podido compartirte esa fortaleza para que siguieras entre nosotros. Lo lamento tanto Pero comprometida como madre a criar a mi hija a respetar a los dems. Create a funeral plan and price estimate in less than 5 minutes. I looked at your sons picture and you are 100% right about his beautiful blue eyes. My deepest condolences, love and prayers to this beautiful family. Many hugs and blessings. I know there's no words I can say that would make you feel better, so all I can do is pray and like you said spread kindness in the name of ur sweet boy I'm sending you the biggest hug. R.i.p. Our deepest condolences on the tragic loss of your son, Drayke. I just want to send you a big hug and my prays. I am beyond sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers have gone to your family. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby boy. Hope you all find the peace you need to continue loving and smiling despite this big pain. I'm thinking about you. But it is hard. Esto es algo serio, y las consecuencias pueden ser terribles. My name is Camila, I am 18 years old and I am truly sorry for the loss of your little one, only because of this shitty world that they cannot live in peace, where they think they are superior just to bother and do not see the damage they cause since they were little, I say it From experience, I'm sorry for everything and all my condolences to your family. How lost he must have been. De todo corazon le pedimos a Dios que les ayude con esta prueba tan dificil. -Megan (Ireland), Mis condolencias para uds,esto me llego muy profundo a mi corazn, No hay palabras que puedan calmar su dolor. Those responsible should pay for what they did to him. He didn't deserve to live in this horrible world! She was called to her Heavenly home on February 12, 2022 in Mobile, Alabama following her battle with COVID. I will pray for his family that God gives them strength and now Drayke is the most beautiful angel in heaven, Drayke I've cried so much , forgive us for not being there for you, we all are responsible of this and believe me you will be remembered as the angel that makes us realize how important is as a parent to teach with love , the importance of empathy and respect, my son Santi will have your name as the reminder of PLEASE be empathic and love all the people you have around , Rest In Peace my little angel , Siento mucho que esto pasar ,no puedo imaginar el dolor. Mi alma est rota, siento tanto dolor por la muerte de este pequeo y tan solo logro imaginar el dolor de su familia. Cambien su manera de tratar a las personas a su alrededor. . My heart bleeds with you! En momentos tan duros e inimaginables para mi, mi deseo es que logren encontrar consuelo y resignacin, se ve en la mirada de Drayke el gran amor que emana, espero que lo ocurrido tenga consecuencias palpables en cada una de las personas que escuchamos su historia y enseemos a nuestros hijos el valor del amor y empatia. Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. I have so much anger as to why people can be so mean to others. Mis condolencias a la familia por la prdida de este angelito tan hermoso. The earth and the world is saddened by his passing. I am truly heartbroken with this story. May the GOD OF PEACE wrap HIS loving arms around you. I hope those beautiful blue eyes are still sparkling while you're looking down at your family. Hopefully this tragic event will serve for all of us to unite our prayers. Read more about the life story of Lonnie and share your memory. <3. I'm in extreme lost of words.. there is nothing I can say or do to bring him back but I just wish that I would have known him because I have been through the same things and I still am. Que Los Angeles lo tengan en su gloria m, vean la valenta que pudo tener drayke, es una historia difcil de procesar pero el mundo entero ha sentido su inmensa prdida y sabemos que es un gran ejemplo de vida y enseanza tanto para cada para cada padre, como para cada hijo. He is no longer suffering at the hands of evil and monstrous human beings. No me queda ms que enviarles todo el cario y fuerza para seguir adelante, Drayke ha tocado el corazn de muchos al rededor del mundo solo espero que los que somos padres inculquemos amor, empata y valores a nuestros hijos porque esto no puede seguir ocurriendo. I am so sorry. Sin conocerlos, su situacion me ha afectado mucho emocionalmente, tambien tengo hijos y la verdad no se como podroa sobrellevar una situacion asi, es muy triste que un nio con Drake ya no este en este mundo porque nios asi como l son los que necesitamos para cambiar este mundo lleno de tanto egoismo, maldad entre muchisimas cosas mas. Pequeo Angel! Como docente me comprometo a estar siempre atenta a este tipo de situaciones discriminatorias. No se puede separar lo que se ata en el corazn. I'm sooooo sorry!!! Que triste que desde tan pequeos no entiendan la gravedad de hacer bullying. No es justo que los padres deban despedir a sus hijos. There are no words and no do-overs, so I will just offer my prayers for you as you embark on learning to live with out Drayke being physically with you. Paz y luz en este momento de tanta dolor y tristeza a sus padres, hermanas y familia. Leer todo lo que escribieron sobre el, me parte el corazon Drayke solo quera ser un nio y jugar baloncesto. The only way I find to express you my support is by praying for Drayke to find his way to heaven and for you as family to put together your broken heart. Por lo que pude leer, era un ser de luz. Dios bendiga ala familia de este pequeo ngel,descansa en paz pequeo angelito de dios. He did not know how to ask for help. Me hubiera encantado que su hijo hubiera podido contarlespero pienso que incluso no quera que ese problema les afecte a ustedespienso que los amaba tanto que el quera solucionar las cosas solo. Te amamos pequeo Drayke hasta el infinito y mas alla Descansa en paz beb, ojal algn da el mundo este libre de maldad, mis condolencias a su familia. Drayke, precioso angel, dejaste al mundo enamorado de tu ternura, rezo mucho por vos!! QUE EN PAZ DESCANSES PEQUEO, FUERZA A TODA SU FAMILIA. Estoy, creme que estoy. Leer todo lo que escribieron sobre el, me parte el corazon Drayke solo quera ser un nio y jugar baloncesto. I hope the time bring peace to the broken hearts of Draykes family. Ya tiene a un ngel cuidndolos, un abrazo clido a la familia. Platt's Funeral Home Frederick Alan Trest, MD Age 81 Fred Alan Trest, M.D, age 81, passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on April 25, 2023. Although we do not know each other, my heart has broken for each of you. Los abrazo desde Argentina. May God give you the strenght and peace thaf your soul needs. Nuestra familia les enva todo nuestro cario para que puedan atravesar ese dolor tan grande. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Lo siento mucho mucha fortaleza para su familia que Dios te tenga en un lugar muy especial esperando que hayas encontrado La Paz que estabas buscando Dios te bendiga Nio hermoso que seas muy feliz. Abrazo a los padres y sus hermanas con el corazon . I pray He guides you all and gives you strength and wisdom. You will forever be in everyone hearts. Some things will never make sense, but God's love will carry you through. RIP Drayke. May God bring some peace to yall in these trying time. Hoy deseo que esa mam, ese pap y esas hermanas ,tengan la fuerza suficiente para poder seguir adelante. Although I don't know you, but just like me, everyone is heartbroken by such a loss of your baby boy. Although we don't know one another and I never knew your sweet boy, I can tell you that he has reminded me to hold my little boys close and love on them so hard any chance I get. QEPD pequeo Angel! My condolences to the entire Drayke Hardman Family for what happened to such a young child. No merecas pasar por todo ese sufrimiento, espero que todos aquellos nios que te hicieron dao y sus familias tomen consciencia de lo importante que es respetar al prjimo y las consecuencias que puede tener una palabra o una accin. Estoy en algn lugar estoy. Es tan triste saber que un nio de tan solo 12 aos haya tenido este pensamiento. love and hugs to you all x, Hermoso Drayke que la virgencita te tenga entre sus brazos acariciandote!! I wish he knew how many loves and misses him. Se te extraar mucho angelito. My condolences to his family and God will make justice. This is heartbreaking - I am so sorry for your pain and loss. Rest in peace beautiful little angel . im sorry the world could not show your beautiful boy the love he showed it. Y como dice el, Mas los que esperan Jehov tendrn nuevas fuerzas; levantarn las alas como guilas, corrern, y no se cansarn, caminarn, y no se fatigarn. Me ha calado hondo saber su historia, no he podido dejar de pensar en Drayke. Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items. Lamento tanto el dolor que sufre hoy tu familia, pero ms lamento el pensar que tus das fueron tristes y que fue ms fuerte ese dolor que te causaban. I can't believe it. (89 years old). My deepest condolences. Vuestro pequeo vivir en nuestros corazones. As a mother of 12 and 14 yo sons , I grieve with youThere are no words . Hoping and praying that your precious little darling can now Rest In Peace. God bless you all. Estarn en mis oraciones y pensamientos. Descansa en Paz . In the United States, the name Doby is the 8,578th most popular surname with an estimated 2,487 people with that name. I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm sending love and light to your family and friends. In a very nice place, where he will not receive blows, nor physical or verbal violence. Fly high little man you will not be forgotten by anyone. Fly High Beatiful soul and rest in Heaven xx. No tengo palabras para expresar el dolor que caus en mi la noticia. I went through it my entire life and I still do here and there. You are suffering and I hope I don't go through your situation but don't cry your son he would feel bad if he sees tears welling up in your eyes. My wife and I lost a son as well, last year. I promise this and I'll do it for Drayke and for you too, because this planet deserves people who loves big ang so beautiful as your little one did.Please receive these words and all the love from my family to yours, we have you in our thoughts. No ms tolerancia al Maltrato Escolar!!! I hope he rests in peace. I am very sorry for your loss, this beautiful kid will be for ever in our memory, can not understand many things, but something I know that Jesuschrist and our Heavenly Father are merciful and now They are with you and with Drayke. Tengo un nene de esa edad y pienso que ests cosas pasan pero no son temas que se abordan con ms profundidad ! Take care Buddy! May the Lord have you in the gloriousness of heaven. Me parte el corazn. My condolences to the parents & sibilings of this beautiful baby my heart hurts and I was unable to hold my tears back reading his story. I am so so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Lamento mucho leer este tipo de noticias. You guys are all in my prayers. Es muy triste me parte el corazn solo de pensar en el sufrimiento que el otro nio le hizo pasar me parte en realidad el corazn pensar que un nio pueda sufrir eso lamento tanto que no pudo encontrar la ayuda que tanto necesitaba y tanta tristeza que tubo que pasar un abrazo fuerte para ese valiente guerrero asta donde est mis mas sentido psame no hay palabras que apacigen el corazn dolido de sus padres.

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doby funeral home obituaries